ADHD Assessment
Our ADHD Assessment is more than just having you complete a questionnaire and reporting back “yes” you have it or “no” you don’t have it. Because symptoms of ADHD overlap with other disorders, they can either indicate ADHD and co-occurring disorders OR something completely different than ADHD. Our entire process spans at least 2 sessions: the first includes interview(s)/questionnaire(s) while the second involves reviewing results, resources and treatment recommendations.
The adult ADHD assessment includes a self-report questionnaire and interview with you and if applicable at least one other adult that knows you well. The child ADHD assessment includes a child self-report questionnaire (depending on age), parent/guardian or teacher report questionnaire and interviews with child, parent/guardian and teachers, and potentially one other adult who knows the child well. All questionnaires and interviews are thoroughly reviewed, interpretations of the results are completed, available resources are determined/referred, and treatment options are recommended, all in a professionally written document that you can share with your treatment providers.